

I'm so glad you found your way to my little corner of the neighborhood! Pull up a chair and stay, and let's chat about life on the margins and loving Jesus and, obviously, where to find the best cheese dip and most life-changing books. 

Beads of Courage

I don't know if I've mentioned this already, but we absolutely adore Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. We couldn't be more confident in the care Caden is getting there. Now don't get me wrong, I would be completely fine with bringing Caden home with us and never having to set foot in there again . . . However, if Caden has to be anywhere, I'm just glad we live twenty minutes from such a wonderful place for him to be (yet another reason we are thankful for the ways God has been providing for us throughout this journey).

Anyways, Children's has this program called Beads of Courage where they give the patients different beads to celebrate things they have faced and/or overcome while in the hospital. After Caden had been there a few days (5 to be exact), our nurse counted up the beads he had already earned and gave them to us. We brought them home to let Jayci put them together for Caden. She loved making a necklace for "brother." She still rarely calls him Caden, but at least we graduated from "brother sister" (which is what she called him while I was pregnant).
Every child gets letter beads with their name, and the heart bead is for his open heart surgery.
They get beads for needle sticks, IVs, receiving blood transfusions, new medications, echo cardiograms, x-rays, spending the night in the hospital, emergencies, etc. And this necklace? Is made from the beads Caden received from just 5 days in the hospital. Our little man is by far the most courageous, brave, miraculous little boy I've ever known. I'm proud to call him my son.

Hope Deferred
