

I'm so glad you found your way to my little corner of the neighborhood! Pull up a chair and stay, and let's chat about life on the margins and loving Jesus and, obviously, where to find the best cheese dip and most life-changing books. 

Good News from the Cardiologist (and more)

 Yesterday, we took Caden back to the cardiologist for the first time in six months. I was, admittedly, nervous. And the doctor didn't make it any better by telling us right off the bat that his murmur sounded quite harsh and he also now had a "thrill," meaning you could feel the murmur when you laid your hand over his heart. He said we needed to do an echo to find out more. Once they looked at the echo, however (which Caden handled like a champ), they said that his valve had a noisy murmur but that the function still looked good. And the left ventricle (the one they were worried about because it was thickened)? He said it looked "peppy" now! Hooray for Caden's peppy heart! The doctor said he thinks it will be a few years until Caden's next surgery, and that we don't have to go back to the cardiologist for 9 months. That means he will be over a year old before we see the cardiologist again - that is crazy! I left the appointment feeling so overwhelmed, once again, by the goodness of our God, and the gift of our son. Thanks so much for all your prayers! (sorry for the over-abundance of exclamation points. I feel this is exclamation-point-worthy-news)

It's still CHD awareness week, and I wanted to point y'all to some good stuff around the web that you guys can explore, read, share etc. And again, I wish I had more adequate words to thank each and every one of you for continuing to walk this journey and celebrate the Lord's faithfulness with us!

-Our Pinterest Board has nearly 200 stories on it right now. Warning: you might want to grab some kleenex as you shed tears over broken hearts, some of which have been healed, others who are still fighting, and some who lost their battle with CHD. THEY are why we must continue to fight for awareness and funding. These heart babies (and kids and grown-ups) and some of the bravest, most beautiful people I know.

-Visit my friend Stefanie's blog for some amazing stories and links and videos and more. I have shed quite a few tears reading her posts and hearing some more heart baby stories.

-Loved this.

My sweet fellow heart mom Tara shared some more information about pulse oximetry:
What can you do?  Follow this link to view your state and the person in charge of advocacy for getting a bill passed.  See how you can help.  Secondly, if you are expecting, or know someone who is expecting, tell them to ASK FOR THE TEST when their child is born.  In fact, there is a printable brochure you can find here, that you can bring to your doctor and talk to them about it.

It’s all about learning and being an educated advocate for your child!  You can find more information on pulse oximetry on these websites:

Oh and here's the update from my 365 project. You'll notice one day is conspicuously missing. Oops.
(Some amazing people brought us some amazing goodies today. I am continually blown away by God's encouragement and provision for us. We are blessed by y'all!)

I Heart Faces: A Very Special Heart

Cardiologists and CHD Awareness