

I'm so glad you found your way to my little corner of the neighborhood! Pull up a chair and stay, and let's chat about life on the margins and loving Jesus and, obviously, where to find the best cheese dip and most life-changing books. 

In case you're having one of those days too

Y'all, I've been struggling to write this one post for a super-duper long time. It has been sitting half-finished, as I write it in fits and starts and snippets. Finally, today I sat down to add some pictures and finish it off, and (of course I did!) I somehow deleted the whole thing, never to be found again. Sigh.

I dont have the heart to start the whole thing over right now, so I'm sharing some videos and snapshots of our life instead. Because my kids are cute, and they can usually cheer me up. So just in case you're also having a bad day, please enjoy my adorable children as some cheerful medication. Maybe one day I'll feel up to actually writing something worth reading again, but then again - maybe not.

This first video is from Jayci's ballet class, which she now refuses to go to. Can I tell you how much I love seeing her sweet little focus and attention and hard work? What a cutie. My favorite part, however, is the girl next to her. Hilarious.

ballet - Wi-Fi from Becca Stanley on Vimeo.
One of Caden's favorite things to do is JUMP! He winds up (which involves squatting for so long  that I'm not sure if he is pooping or getting ready to jump), and then throws his hands up and "jumps," without his little feet leaving the floor. Adorable.

jump - Wi-Fi from Becca Stanley on Vimeo.
Our life these days: Zack is staying with us for a few weeks, and his workout routine involves doing push-ups with Jayci on his back every night. She loves it, and typically Caden tries to climb on as well, it's pretty hilarious.
We celebrated our awesome church's 2nd anniversary last week. The boys (and Jayci) were pretty excited about the fried chicken.
I made a fort for Jayci yesterday. Here's my confession in regards to the fort: I only did it because I was hoping she would stay in there and play quietly (without me!) for hours. It did not work out as planned, exactly.
Swinging in the late afternoon sunshine at the park while the boys practice basketball.
 Speaking of basketball, we have been watching a lot of games, and making the boys run, and supervising lots of practices coached by amazing friends who have volunteered their time (and know more about basketball then we do). I will be an expert by the time this is finished.

Sunshine-y Day

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