

I'm so glad you found your way to my little corner of the neighborhood! Pull up a chair and stay, and let's chat about life on the margins and loving Jesus and, obviously, where to find the best cheese dip and most life-changing books. 

Why 31 Miles in 31 Days?

First of all, raise your hand if you actually think I will walk everyday for 31 days.

No one? Please note, my hand is also not raised. Although Adam says I need to muster a little more faith in myself. I'm not confident in my stick-to-it-ness, but I DO promise to do my very best.

Back to the matter at hand: 31 Miles in 31 Days. How in the heavens did I choose such a crazy topic? Well, what had happened was: last week, I asked y'all for ideas for a 31 days topic. A good friend sent me a plethora of ideas (including 31 days of cheese, why didn't I think of it myself?!) and one of the ideas including 31 days of walking. She sent me a link to an article her husband had read about how "walking is the Western form of meditation" (Heaven's Gaits, The New Yorker). This intrigued me, so I mulled over the idea for a few days. 

Meanwhile, another friend suggested 31 miles, 31 days (with the idea of pushing myself physically and the lessons I learn while doing so; and also, catchy title).

I continued mulling, asking Adam if we perhaps might take a post-dinner walk. Excited, he quickly jumped on board with the walking idea. And it was hard to ignore the ways that walking connects us to our neighborhood, to our family; somehow opening up much-needed quiet space, even while fostering connection rather than aloneness. 

My interest piqued, I realized I wanted to further explore the ways that walking could shift the inner voices. The ways it might connect me closer to my surroundings, to the world beneath my feet and around me, and especially to Jesus. 

And so there you have it: 31 miles in 31 days (lessons learned by walking everyday) was born. 
In the end, it comes down to the moment you sit at your desk. Writing and walking are remarkably similar processes, Mr. Jabr says. Both part-mental, part-physical, in both you are mapping something out, creating trails and paths. - Oh, Go Take a Walk (NY Times)

31.2 :: The first two miles

What I'm into: September Edition