

I'm so glad you found your way to my little corner of the neighborhood! Pull up a chair and stay, and let's chat about life on the margins and loving Jesus and, obviously, where to find the best cheese dip and most life-changing books. 

March Prayer of Confession

March Prayer of Confession

Dear Jesus -

We come before you this morning Father to confess that we are sinners in desperate need of your grace. We are heavy-laden and weary, we need your rest. We have allowed ourselves, Father, to live our lives governed by the whims of our flesh. We have been controlled this week by envy and greed, by lust and anger. We have given into temptation over and over again, rather than turning to you for the fulfillment of all our needs.

We confess Father that we have doubted your goodness and failed to trust in the sovereignty of your ways. In the midst of circumstances, decisions, and illnesses that we cant understand, we have turned away from you right when we need you most. We have found it hard to get out of bed and face the world, nevermind to love it. We have given into our anxieties, allowed fear to divide us from our community and from the community of believers you are building across the globe. We have closed our door when you have called us to swing it wide. We have left when you asked us to stay, and stayed when you bid us to go.

Even just this morning, Lord, we have been impatient and stubborn. We have passed judgement, been irritated, and spoke harshly. Forgive us Father, for the ways we give into the whims of our flesh. We ask this morning that you would be building us instead into people who are governed by your Spirit. Give us peace in our hearts, steadfastness in our ways. Let our lives be oaks of righteousness Father, living examples of the ways that a life rooted in you will flourish and provide goodness to the hungry world.


Hear this word of assurance -

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28

An Ode to the Library

An Ode to the Library

The Knot

The Knot